Dov Lipman

Dov Lipman

קטגורית מאמרים


Dov Lipman

Dov Lipman was elected to the 19th Knesset in 2013, making him the first American born MK in 30 years. During his time as an MK, he opened the doors of his office to English-speaking olim and he worked to assist them individually and to advance causes on behalf of the community. Former MK Lipman moved to Bet Shemesh with his wife, Dena, and four children in 2004 and is the author of 8 books about Israel and Judaism. Dov’s experience assisting the olim community with corona travel and other challenges led to his founding of Yad L’Olim.


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זאב קלימי

זאב קלימי זאב קלימי איש עסקים, יזם ומומחה בניהול שווקים ארציים ובינלאומיים, מהמובילים והמשפיעים בתחומי

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