Itai Liptz 

Itai Liptz123

קטגורית מאמרים


The success story of Itai Liptz

Itai Liptz  was born hypotonic with dyslexia and dysgraphia and with ADHA. Went through about 3 different schools and graduated from high school in the MBR class without a matriculation certificate. From the age of 7 Itai Liptz has been involved in martial arts.

He served in the IDF as an officer in a combat unit even though he did not pass an officers' course. After he was released from the army, he started studying at the Open University and continued to practice sports, climbed Kilimanjaro solo, a year later climbed the Aconcagua which is considered a very difficult mountain to climb, twice won the World Championship in Z-1 and broke a record in free diving. Itay graduated after 4 and a half years with a degree at the Open University, and was accepted for a master's degree at Oxford and IE. Itai received a scholarship at IE for creativity and mistakes in sports, in addition to all this Itai works and has worked with people who have special needs in places such as Kfar Idod Akim Jerusalem, Elin Hospital Beit Izzi Shapira. And even brought people with special needs to impressive achievements in sports and life. Itay's spark is from failure to success through sports.

The success story of Itai Liptz

Itai Liptz  was born hypotonic with dyslexia and dysgraphia and with ADHA. Went through about 3 different schools and graduated from high school in the MBR class without a matriculation certificate.

My spark is to want to dream and dare to achieve it. I took 2 world championships, broke records, made people win and achieve things that no one thought they would be able to achieve. I don't let any disability I have stop me from achieving anything. It just means I will work harder. The moment I realized that each of us is special and there is no one like him in the world, the day I realized that I am special and not a failure, I took a world championship. That day I stopped being afraid of failure and realized that it is an integral part of success, I don't know many people who have failed like me in life. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of times we run out of breath. A powerful spark with Itai Liptz.

ליצירת קשר השאירו הודעה

מלאו פרטים וקבלו הצעה …

המובילים והמשפיעים תמונה ראשית. שלמה אהרוניסקי, אריה גולדין

ליא קניג

ליא קניג – הגברת הראשונה של התיאטרון הישראלי לִיַא (לאה) קֶנִיג-שְׁטוֹלְפֶּר מהמובילות והמשפיעות בתרבות הישראלית

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